Steve Smith Posts Video of ‘Iso-Batting’

It must be quite alien to the top sports stars across the world, this feeling of being able to do nothing and stay at home. They’re all used to being out on the field all day and all night, touring the world. Now, the best they can do is make trips between their bedrooms and living rooms and front yards.

Steve Smith posts video of iso-batting
Courtesy: Steve Smith Instagram

Earlier today, former Australian cricket captain Steve Smith took to social media to post a video of some ‘iso-batting’ which is nothing but batting in isolation to stay active and keep the hand-eye co-ordination going. He posted a video of him batting in his garage/basement at home, and urged his fans to do the same.

He posted the video on Instagram with caption, “Just a little bit of #isobatting to keep up the hand-eye coordination #cricketdrill #stayhome #stayactive” He posted a simple drill which can be done with nothing but a wall, tennis ball and a bat and for someone who loves batting, we’re not surprised Steve Smith decided to come up with this stay-at-home exercise.

See the video:

Knowing his batting skill, we won’t be surprised if Smithy would nail the same straight drive hundred times in a row, though he seemed to be a little camera conscious, having hit a few balls stray in the video. Having 1.9 million followers on Instagram, the video was quick to receive thousands of likes and quite a few comments as well.

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