A Look at India’s Medal Contenders at the 2024 Paris Olympics

India’s medal chances at 2024 Olympics

The 2024 Paris Olympics mark a significant milestone for Indian sports. With a growing culture of athletic excellence and targeted support systems, the nation is poised for its best Olympic performance yet. While predicting medal tallies can be tricky, here’s a glimpse into India’s strongest contenders across various disciplines:

Shooting: India’s shooting contingent has historically been a powerhouse, and Paris is unlikely to be different. Saurabh Chaudhary, the reigning Tokyo Olympics gold medalist in Men’s 10m Air Pistol, is in peak form. Equally promising is Manu Bhaker, who has multiple World Championship medals in pistol events. In rifle shooting, India has a strong chance with veterans like Elavenil Valarivan and a rising talent like Divyansh Singh Panwar.

Badminton: PV Sindhu, the Tokyo Olympics silver medalist in Women’s Singles, remains India’s biggest hope in badminton. The experienced campaigner is known for her fighting spirit and powerful smashes. Lakshya Sen, a rising star in Men’s Singles, has been steadily climbing the world rankings and could challenge for a medal. The Men’s Doubles pair of Satwiksairaj Rankireddy and Chirag Shetty are also potential medalists, with their aggressive style and tactical prowess.

A Look at India's Medal Contenders at the 2024 Paris Olympics

Wrestling: Wrestling has traditionally been a strong suit for India at the Olympics. In the Tokyo Olympics, Bajrang Punia clinched a bronze medal in Men’s Freestyle 65kg. He, along with Deepak Punia (Men’s Freestyle 86kg) and Ravi Kumar Dahiya (Men’s Freestyle 57kg), are expected to be in contention for medals again in Paris. Vinesh Phogat, a multiple medal contender across Olympics and World Championships, will be aiming for a podium finish in the Women’s Freestyle category.

Boxing: The Tokyo Olympics saw India bag its first-ever boxing medal in the Women’s category, with Lovlina Borgohain winning a bronze. This has instilled a new confidence in Indian women boxers. Borgohain is expected to be back in contention for a medal, alongside young talents like Nikhat Zareen. Amit Panghal, a World Championship silver medalist in Men’s Flyweight, is another strong medal prospect.

Weightlifting: Mirabai Chanu scripted history at the Tokyo Olympics by clinching a gold medal in Women’s 49kg weightlifting. Aiming to defend her title, Chanu remains India’s strongest medal hope in weightlifting. Jeremy Lalrinnunga, who narrowly missed out on a medal in Tokyo, will be looking to improve his ranking and challenge for a podium finish in the Men’s category.

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Archery: The Indian archery team has been steadily improving on the world stage. Deepika Kumari, a former World No. 1 archer, is a strong contender for a medal in the Women’s Recurve category. The Men’s Recurve team, comprising veterans like Atanu Das and rookies like Abhishek Verma, has the potential to surprise.

Emerging contenders: Beyond these established names, India has a pool of young athletes who are rapidly making their mark. Athletes like Hima Das (athletics), Sharath Kamal (table tennis), and the Indian Men’s Hockey team are all capable of causing upsets and bringing home medals.

Challenges and opportunities

India’s path to Olympic glory is not without hurdles. Lack of infrastructure and competition at the grassroots level continue to be challenges. However, initiatives like the Khelo India movement are working towards creating a robust sporting ecosystem. Additionally, corporate sponsorships and increased government funding are providing much-needed support to athletes.

The road ahead

The 2024 Paris Olympics present a golden opportunity for India to establish itself as a sporting force. With a combination of experienced campaigners and exciting young talents, the nation has a strong chance of surpassing its previous Olympic performances. The key will lie in continued investment in infrastructure, support systems, and ensuring mental fortitude alongside physical prowess. As India marches towards Paris, the nation’s billion plus citizens will be cheering on their athletes, hoping to witness a historic medal haul.

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