Lockdown Workout Challenge – Day 2

Two days in a row and I’ve been completely floored. Literally. I began a Lockdown Workout Challenge a couple of days ago, one without equipment and one which literally everyone can follow. I shared my experience of Day 1 of the challenge using nothing but a smartphone app and investing less than an hour of my time each day.

Lockdown Workout Challenge - Day 2

A 45-minute workout should be more than enough considering there’s  timed break after every exercise. On the first day, I just missed my target by a few seconds and missed completing the 3 scheduled rounds as well. On Day 2, I had a similar workout, with a fixed routine pre-set and once again, I fell short by a couple of exercises.

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However, both days were nothing short of satisfying. Looking at the exercises chosen, you’ll notice it’s a complete body workout and if done right, every muscle in your body will be aching, but in a good way. You can power pack a 1.5 hour workout into half the time, if you follow the break timer in a disciplined manner. Day 2 workout:

  • Wall squat – 25 secs
  • Lumbar crunches – 15x
  • Push ups – 12x
  • Squats – 20x
  • Leg raises – 15x

The wall squat takes a lot of energy out of me, especially since I haven’t worked much on my legs in my life so far. But the good thing about this workout routine is that you work on your abs, back, chest and triceps before you return to working on those legs again. It gives you a break, tires out a different set of muscles, and then challenges you again.

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Sadly, I fell short of my target of 3 Rounds once again, stopping right before the push ups in the final round. My entire workout timed out to be 43:28 minutes which was around a minute less than the day before. A major reason for stopping early is that my muscles were still sore from the previous day’s workout and I hope that changes as I go ahead in this challenge.

It’s a productive part of my day especially since this quarantine is on and we’re all trying out different 21-day challenges. If you’re one who will begin something similar, remember to give at least 15 minutes to warming up and break into a sweat before you begin your workout. For more updates on this journey, stay tuned to ReadScoops.com.

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About Dwayne Fernandes 2314 Articles
Indian, 28 years old. Avid cricket fan. Business Management Graduate. Twitter and Instagram - @dwayneeeboy