Write For Us

Read Scoops is always on the look out for quality content to publish on our website. We would love to hear from our readers and if you have any stories, articles or ideas that you would like to share with our audiences, please let us know. You can use Read Scoops as a platform to get your message across to the world.

Submit your post using the form below. If we like it, we will publish it, giving you credit for the article as well. Hell, if you’re good, we can even start paying you to contribute regularly to Read Scoops. Alternately, we accept paid guest posts and SEO articles with a backlink to your company and/or blog as well. Read below the form for guidelines on SEO guest posting on ReadScoops.com

Write For US
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SEO guest posting parameters

  • 100% original content
  • A relevant lead image
  • Minimum length – 350 words
  • Lifetime placement on our portal
  • Allows 2-3 hyperlinks in the article
  • Article goes live within 12 hours of receiving payment

Read Scoops is home to the latest sports news and fantasy sports previews. We have 15+ fantasy sports brands affiliated with us and 50+ sports betting and online casino websites affiliated with us as well. Given the targetted audience and the current traffic of the website, we charge INR 3,500 per article but this is negotiable. Our niche?

  • Fantasy sports
  • Sports betting
  • Online casino / igaming
  • Other topics are welcome too!

Alternatively, send in an email to admin@readscoops.com to initiate a conversation. Cheers!

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