We all know that Google has been a huge boon to our lives and helps us make so many of our tasks easier. Any information that we need, all we tell each other these days is ‘Google it!’, and we end up finding a solution. So in today’s Tech Scoop, I am here to tell you three more features about Google that you probably didn’t know about as yet. Read to make your life even easier:
1. Set Timer
Yes, Google can be used as a timer as well.
All you have to do is type ‘Set Timer’ into the search engine and you will be presented with a timer, with a default time of 5 minutes. You can then adjust the timing as per your need, or just type in the exact time you want a reminder, like ‘set timer for 3 minutes’. After 3 minutes, your custom alarm will set off!

2. Help with your homework
Yes, Google will help you get your Geometry homework done as well. Don’t tell your teacher you cheated though!
Why not type ‘Solve Triangle’ or ‘Solve Circle’ or ‘Solve Cone’ or many more in your search engine and watch how easy it becomes to get your Geometry homework done. For Triangle, various solutions can be found such as area, base, height, perimeter and much more. All you have to do is enter the values available to you.

3. Exact flight schedules
Have to rush to pick up your relatives from the airport? Don’t know their flight status? No worries.
Head over to Google and just type in the flight number and you will have an exact schedule of where the flight is or how long it will take to arrive or even if there are any delays from the original scheduled time. Here’s the output for when I searched ‘EK 215’ to know details for today’s Dubai-Los Angeles flight:

Hope you learnt something new from here. Also, check out Part 2 of this series to know more Google secrets!