Did you have a read through Part 1 of our ‘Google Secrets’ series?
If yes, you seem to be ready for another Tech Scoop that brings you three more Google secrets that is surely going to make your life easier. If you haven’t read Part 1, click here to get there now!
Here’s what we have this time around:
1. Search for songs by your favourite artist
All you have to go is head over to Google and search for ‘Songs by _____’ (depending on the artist you are searching for). In this example, we searched for Songs by Enrique Iglesias, and Google very happily provided us a list of all the top hits by our favourite artist. Not bad, eh?
Like a new artist and want to find more songs by him/her, this is how you do it.

2. Exact time of the sunrise/sunset in your city
Enter ‘Sunrise _____’ or ‘Sunset _____’ with the name of the city you live in, and get the exact time of the next day’s sunrise or the same day’s sunset. In this example, we check for tomorrow’s sunrise in Mumbai. Pretty accurate, if you ask us!

3. Go back to when Google was not as good as it was today!
Want to know how Google was close to two decades back?
Why don’t you type ‘Google in 1998’ in your search box and you will be taken back to when the search engine was in its baby stages. See how unattractive the webpages were back then and also how much slower the loading time was. Once you know how much we have advanced technologically in the last 2 decades, you will be clicking on the ‘Take me back to the present’ button in no time. Praise God for Google!

Hope you enjoyed what we had to share. Keep an eye out for Part 3 of this series, which will be published soon!