Tickle Me: 50 Best Riddles And Answers

21) No matter how old or wise you get, why can’t you ever trust the law of gravity?

Answer: Because it always lets you down.

22) Mr. and Mrs. Patil have 4 daughters and each daughter has 1 brother. How many people live in the Mustard family?

Answer: There are 7 members in the Patil family. Each daughter shares the same brother. There are 4 girls, 1 boy and Mr. and Mrs. Patil themselves.

Read Scoops list of top 50 Riddles and Answers

23) Once upon a time, there was a window cleaner called Jordan who was cleaning a window on the 25th floor of a skyscraper in Manhattan. Suddenly, he slips and falls, without any safety equipment on and nothing to soften his fall. However, he is not hurt at all. How do you account for Jordan’s survival?

Answer: He was cleaning the windows from inside the skyscraper.

24) What comes once today, thrice tomorrow and never in the future?

Answer: The letter O.

25) Re-arrange these letters to spell just one word – ‘O O U S W T D N E J R’ .

Answer: Just one word.

26) Bartender by profession, Lama imagined himself in a ship which is sinking and alligators and sharks all around trying to devour him. How does Lama save himself?

Answer: He needs to stop imagining. Duh.

27) Name me: I’m 3/7th chicken, 2/3th cat and 2/4th goat?

Answer: Chicago. Chi-ca-go. Geddit?

28) Anup Jamsandekar wanted to enter Melbourne’s top club but did not know the password needed to enter. He waited near the door and listened to the others. A member knocked on the door and the doorman said, “12,” to which the member replied, “6”. He was let in. The next member walked up and the doorman said, “6.” The member replied, “3.” He was let in. Jamsandekar thought he had heard enough and walked to the door. The doorman said, “10” and Jamsandekar replied, “5.” However, he was not let in. What should have been the right answer?

Answer: 3. The doorman lets in those who answer the number of letters in the word the doorman says. ‘Ten’ has 3 letters in it.

29) Animal lovers. How do you write the word ‘cow’ using not 3, but 13 letters?

Answer: See O Double You.

30) Varma has English class 4 times a week. If he has English at 8am on Monday, 9:30am on Tuesday, 11am on Wednesday, and 2pm on Friday, when does he have English on Thursday?

Answer: Varma doesn’t have English on Thursday. 4 times a week, remember?


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