Why Do Dogs Put Their Ears Back? What Does It Mean?

Being a pet parent can be tedious because it is essential to understand everything about your fur buddy. Right from their eating habits, body language, and health conditions, you must be aware of everything. While many pet parents figure out the basic things like health conditions, understanding body language is difficult for them, especially the novice ones. Your pet’s body language tells a lot about their feelings. Take the ‘play bow’; for instance, it is your fur buddy’s signal to invite other dogs to play with them. Fascinating, isn’t it? Dogs use many such postures and gestures to indicate their feelings to us.


Similarly, dogs use various body parts, including the tail and ears. So, if you’re wondering why your dog puts the ears back during certain situations, this article is for you. We’ll discuss in detail what it means and what your fur buddy is trying to tell you.

1) Fear, nervousness, or anxiety

The first and foremost situation in which your dog may put their ears back is when they feel nervous or anxious about anything. Whether it’s because of another dog, a new guest in the house, a noise, your dog might pin their ears flat against the skull. That said, there are other signs of body language that you can determine whether your fur buddy is feeling nervous. If the dog tucks the tail between the hind legs, does not make eye contact with you, tries to move away from whatever feels threatening.

Moreover, anxiety may trigger aggressive behaviour among dogs as well. So, if your dog growls or barks excessively, smacks lips, or yawns, those may be the signs of fear-based anxiety. You can use natural supplements like CBD for pet anxiety. Many pet owners believe that CBD can help alleviate pet anxiety and help with their general well-being.

Why Do Dogs Put Their Ears Back? What Does It Mean? (2)


2) Listening

A dog putting their ears back against the skull doesn’t always mean they are fearful or anxious. Sometimes dogs may put their ears back to hear or listen to what’s happening behind. For instance, you may be playing with your fur buddy in the backyard or garden, and it may put the ears back when someone calls them from behind. The best way to know whether the dog is doing it only for hearing purposes is by noticing the body language. If the dog rolls the bodyweight with mouth shut and a lifted tail, it means that he is attentive, listening, and processing whatever he just heard. Try it with your fur buddy and notice how he reacts and uses the ears to listen and process information.

Why Do Dogs Put Their Ears Back? What Does It Mean? (3)


3) Warning

A dog with pricked ears may be a sign of warning as well. Ears pricked flat against the skull may mean that a dog is about to bite, especially when the dog lays pinned flat on the ground. So, the next time your fur buddy puts his ears back accompanied by fearful or anxious body language, it may be a warning sign for people around him. Several reasons, including anxiety and fear, maybe the reasons behind such behaviour. Other warning signs that your dog is about to bite include growling, snarling and excessive barking. Though it may seem apt to punish your fur buddy for excessive barking and growling, it may worsen the situation. The next time your dog may not display any such signs of warning before biting since they are associated with you punishing them. Other positive training reinforcements are an ideal way to curb the aggressive behaviour of your dog.

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4) Injury or Illness

The position of the ears in dogs is not always a behavioural cue but can be a physical one as well. A dog may put their ears back in case of an injury, illness, or an infection as well, to avoid further injury and protect them. Ears are one of the most fragile and vascular parts in dogs. So, if they scratch or harshly shake the ears, it may damage the blood vessels and cause bleeding inside the ear flap or pinna. The pool of blood accumulated in the ear causes discomfort and appears fluffy as a pillow from the outside. That is the reason why ear hematoma in dogs is also known as pillow ears. So, if you notice any such symptoms while your dog puts his ears back, it’s better to consult a veterinarian and treat the infection.

5) Contentment

Here’s a sigh of relief for all the canine parents. Your dog putting their ears back doesn’t always mean an alarm for negative things. Your cute fur buddy may express contentment and happiness as well by putting his ears back. That said, dogs don’t pin the ears flat against the skull when they feel content but just put them back. Other signs of body language include relaxed posture, a soft face without lip curling, or a furrowed brow. The dog’s tail also remains relaxed and loose, unlike curled up between the hind legs when fearful or anxious. Moreover, your lovely fur buddy may shower you with extra love by kissing you or the person they like sitting next to them.

Why Do Dogs Put Their Ears Back? What Does It Mean? (4)


Final Thoughts

Many dogs’ behavioural cues are easy to follow and straightforward, while some can be challenging or tricky. It is better to observe other body language signs to determine the exact feeling when your dog puts ears back. Dogs’ ears pinned back is not always a sign of a fearful or aggressive dog. However, since it is also one reason, it’s essential to curb the factors causing such aggressive behaviour. You can also consult a professional canine behaviourist to understand your dog’s behaviour better.

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